mandag 5. januar 2009

Gaza - Erik Fosse på CNN

Erik Fosse sine øyenvitneskildringer er fanget opp av CNN.

Gaza's main hospital, already overloaded with Palestinians wounded in the week-long Israeli air assault, has reached critical mass, according to a Norwegian doctor volunteering at Shifa Hospital. "The injured patients are mainly civilians, a lot of children with dreadful injuries," Dr. Erik Fosse told CNN on Monday, estimating that 20 percent of the more than 500 people dead were children.

Fosse said he estimated that about 30 percent of the casualties at Shifa -- Gaza City's main hospital -- on Sunday were children, both among the dead and wounded.

Og det er godt. NRK (i den grad de bryr seg), TV2 og andre norske medier er jo for spesielt interesserte.

Antallet drepte barn må dog oppjusteres noe nå, Erik; Familie på sju drept i nytt israelsk angrep. Absolutt siste nytt er å finne i kolonnen til høyre.

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