torsdag 25. februar 2010


Hijab skal forbys. Neida, hijab skal forbys ja - men bare i barneskolen. Nei - hijab er ok, men burka derimot det skal totalforbys i "offentlige rom". Nei, ikke burka, men niqab! Nei, begge deler - både niqab og burka!

Mørkeloftet referer til en Newsweek-artikkel som oppsummerer det hele:

"In the last few months, a dark tribalism has swept Europe. In January, after Italy's worst race riots since World War II, the government sent armed carabinieri to clear out camps of jobless African migrants in the country's south. In Britain, Tory leader David Cameron recently pledged to slash immigration by 75 percent if elected. In France, which is heading into key regional elections this spring, President Nicolas Sarkozy has launched a noisy debate about "French identity" that has featured talk of banning the burqa and other kinds of minority bashing. Even Switzerland, long one of Europe's most refugee-friendly states, has turned ugly, passing a referendum amending its Constitution to ban minaret construction."

Det må da finnes viktigere ting å bruke tiden på for våre folkevalgte enn å bruke timer, dager og uker på å sette seg inn i og synse rundt klesplagg.

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