Daglig leder for Høyres valgfond 2009, Øystein Eriksen Søreide, melder om rekordgave til partiet. Skipsreder Johan Jørgen Ugland spytter inn 10 millioner til Høyres valgkamp. Dette er den største gave til partiet noensinne, skriver Aftenposten.

From the outside, there’s no way to see that Ugland House is the official address of 18,857 companies. The white and green-trimmed five-storey office building, singled out by Barack Obama, on the George Town, Grand Cayman, waterfront has only one tenant: Maples and Calder, a law firm and company services provider. (...) Like dozens of law firms operating in Grand Cayman, the British Virgin Islands and other tax havens, Maples and Calder help their international clientele avoid some US taxes by creating offshore entities, establishing trusts or opening checking and savings accounts.
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